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Palm Beach Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

The Palm Beach Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers was formally known as the Palm Beach Criminal Defense Association. The PBACLD is a not-for-profit-organization in West Palm Beach, FL, which serves the criminal defense bar throughout the entire county.

PBACDL members include private criminal defense counsel, public defenders, regional conflict counsel, and investigators who focus on criminal defense in Palm Beach County in both state and federal court.

The PBACDL is a local chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (FACDL).  PBACDL members hold dual membership in FACDL as well as the PBACDL. In order to join the organization, an existing member must sponsor the prospective member.

The By-Laws of the PBACDL were originally adopted on November 15, 1988 and were last amended on October 16, 2013.

Contact Information:

    Website: http://pbacdl.org

    E-mail: info@facdl.org

Leadership Positions within the PBACDL

Members of the PBACDL are encouraged to take on leadership positions within the organization. The past presidents of PBACDL include:

The standing committees of the PBACDL include: the Continuing Legal Education Committee; the Court Oversight Committee; the Membership Committee, the Social Committee; and the By-laws Committee.

Finding a Criminal Defense Attorney in Palm Beach County, FL

If you need to find a criminal defense attorney in West Palm Beach, FL, or the surrounding areas throughout Palm Beach County then consider hiring a member of the Palm Beach Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

At Lawyer Legion, we understand the important role that organizations play in supporting and training criminal defense attorneys in Florida.
