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American College of Construction Lawyers (ACCL)

About the ACCL


  • Founded: 1989

Mission and History

The American College of Construction Lawyers (ACCL) is a national organization of lawyers focused on the specialized practice of construction law. The organization supports construction law attorneys throughout the United States. Members of the organizations are called “Fellows.”

Benefits of joining the organization include access to professional workshops and educational programs. The organization helps to reform the law and find solutions to major construction industry legal problems. This collegial forum helps many of the most knowledgeable attorneys in construction law improve their skills.

In addition to construction law attorneys, members also include arbitrators, mediators, DRB Panel, in-house counsel and international members.


Contact the ACCL

American College of Construction Lawyers (ACCL)
PO Box 4646
Austin, 78765
Office: (512) 343-1808

Journal of the American College of Construction Lawyers

The semiannual Journal of the American College of Construction Lawyers contains articles of interest to both construction and real estate law practitioners. Each issue of the Journal contains several articles specifically related to construction law.

The articles are written by experts in the field of construction law and address the complex problems facing those in the business. The journal is focused on existing law while assessing future legislation. The publication keeps construction law lawyers up to date on issues important in the field.

Directory of Construction Law Attorneys in the United States

Lawyer Legion maintains a national directory of construction law attorneys which includes both ACCL Fellows and non-fellows. To help the public find the best choices when they search for a construction attorney, Lawyer Legion recognizes attorneys for their involvement and leadership within the ACCL and other professional associations. This includes recognition for ACCL fellows who have updated their Lawyer Legion profile to include information about their involvement with the ACCL.

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