Learn more about legal organizations in the state of North Dakota including the State Bar Association of North Dakota, North Dakota Defense Lawyers Association, and the North Dakota Association for Justice. Also find information on lawyer referral services in North Dakota.
North Dakota Association for Justice - The North Dakota Association for Justice (NDAJ) is a nonprofit group for attorneys focused on a civil trial practice. Prior to January of 2008, the organization was known as the North Dakota Trial Lawyers Association. With more than 100 members, the NDAJ includes many of the most prominent trial lawyers in North Dakota. The organization works to improve the profession through Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars.
North Dakota Defense Lawyers Association (NDDLA) - The NDDLA is a state-wide association serving the needs of lawyers engaged in the defense of civil disputes. Membership in the organization is open to lawyers in North Dakota who are primarily engaged in the practice of defense of civil matters. The website of the NDDLA is a resource site for those seeking to locate a civil defense attorney in North Dakota, as well as a private online service for members of NDDLA.
North Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers - The Mission of the North Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers includes fostering integrity, independence, and expertise of the criminal defense profession; promoting the proper and fair administration of criminal justice within the State of North Dakota, and promoting justice and due process for individuals accused of a crime. NDACDL was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 2010.
North Dakota Lawyer Referral Service - Headquarted in Bismarck, ND, the North Dakota State Bar Association sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service. If you want to hire an attorney but don’t know who to call, then consider contacting the Lawyer Referral Service (LRS). The service makes referrals to attorneys statewide. The LRS in North Dakota refers qualified and local North Dakota attorneys to members of the public throughout the State of Dakota in exchange for a nominal fee. You can trust the referral since it comes from a non-profit public service sponsored by the North Dakota Sate Bar Association. The attorneys are pre-screened to ensure their good standing with the North Dakota State Bar Association, that the attorney has legal liability insurance and other eligibility requirements.