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New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

The New Hampshire Women's Bar Association (NHWBA) was founded in May of 1998. The stated purpose of the NHWBA is to "promote and support the advancement and interests of women in the legal community through leadership, professional interaction, education and the exchange of ideas between our members and the community."

To fulfill this mission, the New Hampshire Women's Bar Association (NHWBA) offer their members "opportunities for personal and professional growth through networking and professional development forums, continuing legal education seminars, and public service initiatives that focus on improving the lives of women and children in New Hampshire."

Members of NHWBA are comprised of New Hampshire attorneys in all areas of law, judges, educators, government officials and law students from across the state.

Contact Information

New Hampshire Women's Bar Association
P.O. Box 915
Manchester, NH 03105
Website: https://www.nhwba.org/

Awards of the NHWBA

The Marilla M. Ricker Achievement Award is presented each year to women lawyers who have achieved professional excellence, or paved the way to success for other women lawyers, or advanced opportunities for women in the legal profession, or performed exemplary public service on behalf of women.

In the Spring of 2008, the NHWBA celebrated its 10th anniversary with a gala dinner celebrating women trailblazers in the law award recipients including:

  • Kelly A. Ayotte, the first female Attorney General;
  • Judge Jean K. Burling, the first female judge in New Hampshire;
  • Justice Linda S. Dalianis, the first female justice to sit on the New Hampshire Supreme Court;
  • Maureen Raiche Manning, the first president of the NHWBA; and
  • Jennifer L. Parent, the second president of the NHWBA, a highly visible member of the state bar.

Categories of Membership in NHWBA

The categories of membership in NHWBA include:

  • Regular Members - Any member of the bar of the State of New Hampshire or of the United States Courts for the First Circuit may become a Member of the Corporation upon filing a written application with the Corporation and making payment of the requisite amount of dues for the current year. 
  • Associate Members - Any member of the bar admitted to practice in any state or territory of the United States other than New Hampshire, the District of Columbia, or in any foreign country, any law student, and any paralegal may become an Associate Member of the Corporation. 

The Officers of the New Hampshire Women's Bar Association include:

  • President
  • Past President
  • Vice Presiden
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Past Presidents of NHWBA

According to the bylaws of NHWBA, after the "completion of the President’s term, the President shall assume the position of Past President and shall act in such capacity as a full voting member of the Board." The Past Presidents' Council oof the NHWBA advises the Board of Directors long-range planning as requested by the Board.

  • 2016 - 2018 Kara M. Simard
  • 2014 - 2016 Karyl Roberts Martin
  • 2012 - 2014 Holly J. Barcroft
  • 2010 - 2012 Holly B. Haines
  • 2008 - 2010 Kristin A. Mendoza
  • 2006 - 2008 Katherine L. Brown
  • 2004 - 2006 Heather E. Krans
  • 2002 - 2004 Joni N. Esperian
  • 2000 - 2002 Jennifer L. Parent
  • 1998 - 2000 Maureen Raiche Manning

Standing Committee of the NHWBA

As a member-driven organization, the NHWBA relies on its members to bring new events, benefits, and programming to its members. The committees of the NHWBA include:

  • Networking Committee - Plans social events giving members and non-members an opportunity to network
  • Programming Committee - Offers events like CLE courses, educational seminars, and brown bag lunches throughout the state.
  • Public Service Committee - Directs NHWBA’s charitable efforts, public service events, and mentoring programs.
  • Membership Committee - Committed to increasing the membership ranks of the NHWBA by recruiting members from all practice areas.
  • Public Relations Committee - Promotes goodwill between the organization and the public by collecting, preparing and distributing appropriate information to the public, especially through social media. 

Additional Resources

NH Lawyer Referal Service - To find a lawyer in New Hampshire, contact the lawyer referral service managed by the NHBA. The lawyer referral service provides an alternative to finding an attorney in New Hampshire using an online attorney directory

Bar Rules for Attorneys Websites and Marketing in NH - Learn more about the bar rules that apply to ads, websites, and internet marketing. that can be found in the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, specifically in sections 7.1-7.3.

NH Criminal Defense Lawyers Association - Since 1988, the New Hampshire Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NHACDL) has served as a voluntary, professional association of the criminal defense bar including solo practitioners, members of large firms, and state and federal public defenders.

This article was last updated Thursday, December 26, 2019.
