Finding information on legal organizations and bar associations in the State of Delaware.
The Delaware State Bar Association was established in 1923. Approximately 90% of eligible attorneys in Delaware belong to this non unified bar association. The earliest goal of the organization was “the cultivation of fraternal relationships among the lawyers of Delaware.” Today, the organization promotes ethical conduct by attorneys, offers quality continuing legal education (CLE) seminars, and sponsors a lawyer referral service.
The annual meeting of the Delaware State Bar Association is held in June in Wilmington, Delaware. The DSBA is a member of the Mid-Atlantic Bar Conference.
The Delaware Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (DCACDL) is a non-profit organization with approximately 300 members. Attorneys in the organization include both public defenders and private attorneys. The attorneys practice in both state and federal courts throughout the state representing clients on a wide range of criminal offenses.
Many of the top criminal defense attorneys practicing in the State of Delaware belong to this organization. It serves the criminal defense bar by offering qualify Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars, publications, networking opportunities, and mentoring programs.
Benefits of membership also include access to the Delaware State Supreme Court criminal law decisions of the past several years and a motion bank.... Read more »
Founded in 1979, the Delaware Trial Lawyers Association (DTLA) supports civil trial lawyers with networking, training and educational opportunities. Members of DTLA focus on representing plaintiffs in personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, employment law, criminal and civil rights litigation cases.
The DTLA hosts multiple continuing legal education (CLE) seminars each year. Many of the top personal injury attorneys in Delaware belong to this organization.
The Delaware State Bar Association previously managed a Lawyer Referral Service in Wilmington, DE. Recently, the management of that public service was given to the Legal HelpLink System run by Delaware Volunteer Legal Services.
The referral service is designed for individuals who need an attorney in Delaware and can afford to pay reasonable attorney fees. Pro bono services are not provided through the Lawyer Referral Service. In addition to the Lawyer Referral Service managed by the Delaware Volunteer Legal Services' Legal HelpLink System, the Delaware County Bar Association also manages a Lawyer Referral Service. These community based services help the public find an attorney thought the State of Delaware.