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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Use alternative dispute resolution could be the decision of the parties involved, or result from a court-order or clause in a contract regarding the matter being litigated.

Especially after the Covid-19 crisis began in March of 2020, more cases went to ADR instead of the courts because of the high cost of litigation in the courtroom.

More contracts include clauses requiring disputes to go to binding arbitration instead of courts. In those cases, the parties are not able to sue in a civil court.

Many divorcing couples opt for mediation in order to reduce the expense associated with litigation over the division of property.  Collaborative law is a form of mediation popular with divorcing couples. Mediation is nonbinding, meaning that if the parties cannot reach an agreement, they may go to court.

Arbitration is a common form of alternative dispute resolution. In arbitration, the parties typically select a panel of arbitrators. The arbitrators themselves are often lawyers. In many cases, one party will pick one arbitrator, the other side will pick one, and the third will be selected by a neutral party.

The two parties will make their case before the panel. The panel then reaches a decision or awards money damages to one side or the other.

The arbitration may be binding, meaning the parties must stick with the results, or nonbinding, meaning they can go to court if the result doesn't work for one of the parties.

Mediation is also a popular form of ADR. In mediation, the two sides pick one lawyer as mediator. The mediator will work with both sides, advising them on the legal consequences of their decisions, and help them reach a compromise. Civil courts frequently order clients to go to mediation before going to trial.

Alternative dispute resolution lawyers include both civil attorneys practicing in arbitration and attorneys that specifically practice mediation.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution Lawyers by Practice Area

Best Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorneys in

Stephen Gary Fischer
Matrix Mediation
Jupiter, FL
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Kristine Jones
The KJ Law Firm
Montgomery, AL
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Eric Shames
Eric J. Shames Esq. P.C.
New York, NY
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Scott A. Schweber
Scott A. Schweber Attorney at Law in Atlanta
Atlanta, GA
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Gary S. Cash
Gary Cash Mediation
Asheville, NC
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Daniel Yamshon - Alternative Dispute Resolution
Sacramento, CA
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William D Robitzek
Maine Lawyer Services
Auburn, ME
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Scott Elkind
Elkind & Shea
Silver Spring, MD
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Anthony Dean Castelli
Anthony Castelli attorney
Cincinnati, OH
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Sarah E. Kay
Kay Family Law PLLC
Tampa, FL
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Ann Toney
Ann Toney, P.C.
Denver, CO
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Cathy A. Klein
Mediator & Attorney @ Law; Conflict Resolution Services, Inc
Denver, CO
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Alternative Dispute Resolution Legal Resources

Hiring an Alternative Dispute Resolution Lawyer

Civil litigators can often serve in matters of arbitration. However, mediation is an entirely different skill.

Many lawyers who practice mediation become certified in their states, or are members of professional organizations of mediators, like the Association of Attorney-Mediators, where they have access to continuing legal education and publications to keep them up to date.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of The Florida Bar

In Florida, attorneys who want to improve their mediation skills can join the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section of the Florida Bar.

Benefits of membership include access to publications including the "Tips From the Masters" series in The Common Ground magazine. The Common Ground is a publication of The Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of The Florida Bar. 

In the "Tips From the Masters" series, some of Florida's top mediators offer advice on how to approach difficult mediation situations and techniques to use when negotiations become unproductive. The series includes interviews from experienced Florida mediators who share insights and advice about various aspects of mediation.

Use the Lawyer Legion directory to find the top alternative dispute resolution attorneys in Florida.

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