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Lawyer Referral Service in Westchester County, NY

The Westchester County Bar Association (WCBA) has sponsored a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) for the past 40 years. Each year, the LRS refers thousands of individuals to local attorneys throughout White Plains, NY, and the surrounding areas of Westchester County.

If you need an attorney in White Plains, New York, or throughout Westchester County, then consider the benefits of using the Lawyer Referral Service sponsored by the local bar association.

Contact Information:

Westchester County Bar Association LRS
Website: http://wcbany.site-ym.com/
One North Broadway, Suite 512
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: 914-761-5151

Using the Westchester LRS

When you call or visit the Lawyer Referral Service in White Plains, N.Y., a trained staff person who works for the Westchester County Bar Association will ask you several questions during a confidential intake process. The purpose of the intake process is to determine which type of attorney is best suited for your case.

The staff person will then refer you to an on the appropriate panel based on the type of legal problem, the location where the legal services are needed, and other factors.

Attorneys that participate in the Lawyer Referral Service agree to provide a 30 minute consultation in exchange for a $40 consultation fee. During the consultation the attorney and client discuss the legal problem, possible solutions and the attorney fees needed for additional representation.

The Lawyer Referral Service of the Westchester County Bar Association in White Plains, NY, screens the attorneys in advance. Each attorney in the program must maintain a full time office in Westchester County and be available for consultations in that office. The attorney must also carry malpractice insurance and be in good standing with the New York State Bar Association.

Finding an Attorney in Westchester County, NY

The Lawyer Referral Service sponsored by the Westchester County Bar Association (WCBA) has been helping the public find a local attorney in White Plains, NY, or Westchester County for more than 40 years. If you need to find a local attorney experienced in a particular practice area of the law, then consider the benefits of using the LRS managed by this local bar association.

At Lawyer Legion, we acknowledge the benefits of using a Lawyer Referral Services in New York. These community based public services provide an effective and convenient way to find a qualified attorney for a particular type of legal problem.
