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Lawyer Referral Service in Springfield, MO

At Lawyer Legion, we recognize the important role that lawyer referral services play in helping the public find an qualified and local attorney in Missouri.

The Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service that helps the public find a qualified and local attorney.

Contact Information:

Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association (SMBA)
Lawyer Referral Service (LRS)
Website: http://www.springfieldbar.com/?page=4
Springfield, MO
Phone: 417-831-2783
Serving all of Greene County

How Does the Lawyer Referral Service Work?

When you contact the SMBA LRS, the service will refer you to the appropriate attorney.

The attorney that you are referred to will charge no more than $75 for the first 30 minutes of consultation. During the consultation you can discuss your legal problem with the attorney, possible solutions and the attorney fees needed to continue the representation.

Both you and the attorney will then decide whether to work together after the initial consultation or not. No pro bono attorneys are provided.

Finding a Qualified Attorney in Sprigfield, MO?

If you need to find an attorney in Springfield, MO, then consider using the services of the Lawyer Referral Service. These services help the public and busnesses find a qualified attorney for the needed practice area of the law.

Lawyer Referral Services provide an important alternative to using an online search or commerical lawyer directory.
