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Lawyer Referral Service in Sonoma County

The Sonoma County Bar Association sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service. This community based non-profit service is certified by the State Bar of California, Certificate 0056, to help the public find a qualified attorney throughout Sonoma County and the Santa Rosa metropolitan area.

More than 60 attorneys serve on the panel. Attorneys on the panel are experienced in one of 16 different legal fields including:

  • personal injury
  • workers' compensation
  • criminal law
  • immigration law
  • family law
  • real estate

Attorneys on the panel are in good standing of the California Bar, have malpractice insurance, and demonstrate experience in their respective field of law.

When you call the service, a referral counselor on staff will talk with you about the legal issue to determine the type of law involved and the type of attorney needed. The service will then refer you to a qualified attorney.

You must pay a $50 administrative fee to the service. The fee is waived for a personal injury, Social Security appeal, or Worker’s Compensation claim. You can then contact that attorney for a free consultation to discuss the case.

Contact Information

Sonoma County Lawyer Referral Service
37 Old Courthouse Square
Sonoma, CA 95404
Phone: 707-546-5297 x12 or 707-542-1190 x12
FAX: 707-542-1195
e-mail: info@sonomacountybar.org

Website: https://www.sonomacountybar.org/?page_id=150

Find an Attorney in Sonoma County

If you need to find an attorney in Sonoma County, CA, then consider using the Lawyer Referral Service offered by the Sonoma County Bar Association.

This non-profit service provide an alternative to searching the internet for an attorney or using an online directory to find an attorney in Santa Rosa and throughout California's Wine Country region.

Lawyer Referral Services have a big impact. From 2000 to 2013, LRS Panel attorneys earned a total of $5,356,438 from clients referred to them by the Sonoma County LRS. In 2013 alone, the attorneys that participated in the Lawyer Referral Service earned fees totaling $532,496.

From 2000 to 2018, LRS Panel attorneys earned a total of $7,633,944 from clients referred to them by the LRS. Of that total, $628,213 was earned by panelists in 2018. The panelists’ fees paid in 2018 to the LRS to earn that $628,213 was $5,890.

At Lawyer Legion, we understand the importance of these community based non-profit services.

This article was last updated on Monday, December 30, 2019.
