Home> Legal Associations >NCADRC - National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center

National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center

The National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center (NCADRC) is a non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to preserving the rights of those falsely accused of child abuse and the attorneys who represent them. The impact of false allegations on the family can be devastating.

Professionals charged with protecting children work under the hypothesis that if an allegation is made, then the abuse must have occurred and the person accusation must be the person who committed the crime. Child protective professionals across the state are often overwhelmed and lose track of children removed from their home because of abuse or neglect allegations.

NCADRC recognizes these problems and works to find solutions.

Contact Information for NCADRC

National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center
P.O Box 638
Holland, OH 43528
(419) 865-0513
Email: info@falseallegation.org
NCADRC's Website: www.falseallegation.org


The 20th International Child Abuse Allegations Conference was held at the Silver Legacy Resort + Casino in Reno, Nevada, on October 27 & 28, 2016. Topics discussed during the seminar included sexual abuse related, computer porn & civil confinement/propensity issues.

The Purpose of NCADRC

The National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center (NCADRC) advocates for requiring the agencies responsible for investigating abuse and neglect claims to remain unbiased and accountable for their actions. Accountability would help these agencies better manage their resource so they can successfully protect children from real abuse while not traumatizing innocent children and families because of false allegations of child abuse.

The NCADRC was formed to explore the relevant research and data that can be applied to false accusations of child abuse.

At Lawyer Legion, we understand the important role of legal associations and the support they provide for criminal defense attorneys fighting sexual abuse cases against children when the underlying allegations are false.

This article was last updated on Friday, November 3, 2017.
