The National College for DUI Defense, Inc. (NCDD) is an organization that grants specialty or board certification for DUI Defense Law. The ABA has recognized the NCDD as an organization that is accredited to award certification in this specialty area of the law. The purpose of granting board certification in DUI Defense Law is to recognize DUI and DWI lawyers who focus their practice on representing men and women accused of drunk and impaired driving offenses.
The National College for DUI Defense, Inc. (NCDD) is an organization that grants specialty or board certification for DUI Defense Law. At last count the NCDD had granted board certification in DUI Defense Law to approximately 45 attorneys across the country.
For purposes of the board certification program the term "DUI Defense Law" is defined to include all driving-related offenses for driving under the influence of alcohol or while impaired by chemical or controlled substances. Different states use different terms for DUI type offenses including DWI, OUI, OWI, or DWAI. Board certified attorneys in those states can use replace the term DUI with the appropriate term for their state.
Use our online attorney directory to find a board certified DUI defense attorney in your state that has earned board certification from the NCDD. Just use the map to click on a state to find all of the attorneys who have earned board certification in that particular state.
Some states do not have a board certified attorney in DUI Defense Law.
The Board of Regents for NCDD certified the first lawyer as board certified in DUI Defense in 1999. Four years later the American Bar Association (ABA) formally recognized DUI Defense Law as a legal specialty area of practice. In 2004, the American Bar Association (ABA) accredited the National College for DUI Defense, Inc (NCDD) to certified lawyers in that specialty area.
The purpose of granting board certification in DUI Defense Law is to recognize DUI and DWI lawyers who focus their practice on representing men and women accused of drunk and impaired driving offenses. Board certification recognizes and validates the attorney's claim to specialize in these unique types of cases. Board certification also helps the public learn more about the attorney's unique qualifications.
The ABA has recognized NCDD as an organization that is accredited to award certification in this specialty area of the law. Approximately 20 states recognize programs accredited by the ABA, although many of those states have additional requirements before the attorney can use the phrase "board certified" in advertisements.
Some states do not have rules to recognize board certification in DUI Defense Law awarded by NCDD. In fact, some states have a requirement that "DUI Defense Law" must be formally adopted in that state as a specialty practice area of the law before the attorney's certification can be recognized in that state.
In order to qualify for board certification in "DUI Defense Law" the attorney must do the following:
NCDD’s Accreditation as a Board Certification Program - Visit Wikipedia to learn more about the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) became a board certification program recognized by the American Bar Association to certify specialist in DUI Defense Law as a specialty area in the practice of law. In 2008, the American Bar Association re-accredited the NCDD’s specialty certification program in DUI Defense Law. It is the only organization accredited to certify lawyers as a board certified specialist in DUI defense law.