Home> Legal Associations> Criminal Defense Lawyers Associations >SDACDL - South Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

South Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Founded 2010, the South Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer (SDACDL) serves the needs of the criminal defense bar in South Dakota. Prosecutors are not eligible for membership. SDACDL is an affiliate organization of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL). 

The SDACDL's annual meeting is held in conjunction with the State Bar Meeting. The organization also hosts CLE event in the Fall. Benefits of membership include:

  • networking opportunities with many of the top criminal defense attorneys in South Dakota;
  • invitations to events of the organizations;
  • access to the the SDACDL Listserv; 
  • use of the database of forms and the brief bank.

Depending on the category of membership, the dues for South Dakota lawyers to join the organization cost between $50 and $250 per year.

Members include: 

This article was last updated on Friday, February 10, 2017.
