The NDACDL was founded to unite state and federal public defenders and private criminal defense lawyers in North Dakota so that the attorney would have the opportunity to learn from one another and to act as a cohesive whole on issues of common concern.
Membership in the NDACDL also gives the criminal defense bar a more unified voice before the North Dakota legislature. NDACDL has several Official Licensed Lobbyists.
The North Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NDACDL) was incorporated on January 29, 2010, as a nonprofit corporation.
Website of the North Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
The Mission of the North Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers includes fostering integrity, independence, and expertise of the criminal defense profession; promoting the proper and fair administration of criminal justice within the State of North Dakota, and promoting justice and due process for individuals accused of a crime.
For North Dakota attorneys, the NDACDL bylaws require that applications for membership shall be in writing, and are subject to the approval of an officer of the corporation. Membership in this non-profit organization includes:
The NDACDL encourages its members to take on leadership roles within the organization. Those committees include the: The Legislative Committee; and The Amicus Committee.
For criminal defense attorneys in North Dakota, the North Dakota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers serves the needs of public defenders and private criminal defense attorneys throughout the State of North Dakota. The organization helps attorneys share information and resources and network with each other. The non-profit organization also gives its members a more unified voice before the North Dakota legislature.
This article was last updated on Monday, February 15, 2016.