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Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice (MSCJ)

The Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice (MSCJ) is an association of criminal defense and DWI attorneys. Membership in MSCJ is limited to approximately fifty attorneys selected by invitation only. Founded in 1987, the MSCJ meets in the Twin Cities each month and organizes other networking and social events throughout the year.

The organization lead the way for other DWI attorneys in the state with the CMI-Minnesota Intoxilyzer machine computer source code litigation. The MSCJ is also the host to the annual Criminal Justice Seminar focusing on DWI defense.

Benefits of Membership in the MSCJ

The benefits of membership in the MSCJ include:

  • invitations to meetings and other networking opportunities;
  • access to the MSCJ "Yahoo Groups" members listserver;
  • a listing on the MSCJ public membership directory; and
  • access to briefs, motions and other resources.

Past Presidents of MSCJ

The past presidents of the Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice include:

2013 Rebecca Rhoda Fisher
2012 Robert M Christensen
2011 Thomas C Gallagher
2010 James Ventura
2009 Roger Gershin
2008 Thomas Jakway
2007 James Leviton
2006 Peter Timmons
2005 Michael Samuelson
2004 Barry Hogen
2003 Tom Bauer
2002 Doug Hazelton
2001 Richard Swanson
2000 Bob Malone
1999 Jeff Sheridan
1998 Jeff Ring
1997 Faison Sessoms
1996 Peter Mayrand
1995 Dean Grau
1994 John Brink
1993 David Ayers
1992 David Valentini
1991 Peter Wold
1990 Rich Koch
1989 Joe Bluth
1988 Fred Bruno
1987 Jerry Strauss

At Lawyer Legion we understand the important role that organizations like the MSCJ play in supporting criminal defense and DWI attorneys in Minnesota.
