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Michigan Association OWI Attorneys

The Michigan Association OWI Attorneys (MIAOWIA) is a non-profit organization serving OWI defense attorneys in the State of Michigan. MIAOWIA provides networking opportunities, training and quality CLE seminars for its members. Many of the top OWI attorneys in Michigan belong to MIAOWIA.

The annual membership dues are $365. Members practice in the area of OWI (operating while intoxicated), OWPD (Operating with the presence of drugs), and other driving related criminal offenses.

Contact Information for MIAOWIA:

Michigan Association OWI Attorneys
Website: http://www.miaowia.com/
3452 East Lansing Road
East Lansing, MI, 48823

Benefits of Membership in MIAOWIA

The benefits of membership in the Michigan Association of OWI Attorneys include:

  • access to the member only information on the website;
  • ability to participate in the discussion forum;
  • networking opportunities through meetings and events;
  • access to a brief and motion bank;
  • training and CLEs on challenging the Drug Recognition Expert (DRE);
  • invitation to quality CLE seminars on OWPD (Operating with the presence of drugs) and OWI (operating while intoxicated).