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Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

The Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (CFACDL) serves attorneys throughout Orange County, Osceola County and Seminole County, Florida. Members include criminal defense attorneys in private practice, as well as attorneys with the public defender's office at both the state and federal level.

CFACDL is an affiliate of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (FACDL). The leaders of CFACDL work to protect the rights of the accused under the constitution of the State of Florida and the United States.

Benefits of Membership in CFACDL

The benefits of joining CFACDL include:

  • informative continuing legal education (CLE) seminars;
  • networking opportunities with many of the most experienced criminal defense lawyers in central Florida;
  • the opportunity to stay connected by receiving the CFACDL newsletter discussing timely issues for the criminal defense bar;
  • involvement with the Annual Judicial Poll which allows prosecutors and defense attorneys to rate the judges in different categories.

At Lawyer Legion we understand the important role that specialty bar associations, like the Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, play in supporting local criminal defense attorneys in Orange County, Osceola County and Seminole County, Florida.

If you need to find a criminal defense attorney in Orlando, or the surrounding areas throughout central Florida, then consider hiring a member of CFACDL.
