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Lawyer Referral Service in Albany County, NY

The Lawyer Referral Service of the Albany County Bar Association helps individuals and businesses in Albany County, New York, find a qualified attorney. When you call the Lawyer Referral Program in Albany, NY, a trained staff person will talk with you about your legal concerns to help you determine what type of attorney would be best for your case.

After you receive the referral, you must contact the attorney to schedule the initial consultation. Lawyer Referral Services sponsored by local bar associations have been helping the public find a qualified attorney.

Contact Information:

Albany County Bar Association LRS
Website: https://www.albanycountybar.org/page/lrs
112 State Street, Suite 1120
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 445-7691 x110

What Happens After You Call the LRS

After you receive the referral to a local attorney, you must call the attorney to schedule the initial consultation. The attorneys that participate in the Lawyer Referral Program have agreed to provide a 30 minute consultation for a nominal fee of $25 in one of those seven practice areas.

During the consultation, you can discuss your case with the attorney and the attorney fees required for additional representation. The service does not provide legal representation on a pro bono or free basis.

Instead, attorneys charge their normal fees for representing clients referred to them by the program if the client decides to hire them after the initial consultation.

Types of Subject Matters for the LRS

The service has seven categories. The Lawyer Referral Service covers many different practice areas of the law. Attorneys serve on different panels depending on their experience. The different practice areas include: 

Administrative Law
Animal Rights
Article 78
Civil Rights
Computer Law (Internet Law)
Consumer Protection
Corporation Law
Criminal Law
Disability Law (Long term, Short term)
Elder Law (Health Care Proxy, Living Wills)
Entertainment Law
Environmental Law
Estates, Wills & Trusts
Family Law
Federal Law
Foreclosure Issues
Guardianship / Conservatorship
Healthcare Law
Identity Theft
Immigration & Naturalization
Insurance Law
Labor Relations
Landlord & Tenant
Lemon Law
Malpractice- Dental
Malpractice- Legal
Malpractice- Medical
Medical Prof. Discipline (def. the medical practitioners)
Matrimonial & Divorce
Military Law
Municipal Law
Name Change
Negligence & Tort
Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights
Police Brutality Cases
Product Liability
Prison Tort Cases
Public Utility Law
Railroad Negligence
Real Estate Tax Assessments
Real Property
Retirement & Pension
Social Security Law (SSD, SSI)
Vehicle & Traffic Law
Workers Compensation

Finding an Attorney in Albany, NY

If you need to find an attorney in Albany, NY, then consider the benefits of using a Lawyer Referral Service sponsored by the Albany County Bar Association.

The service screens the attorneys in advance for certain eligibility factors including their good standing with the state bar and experience in a particular practice area.

At Lawyer Legion, we recognize the important role that Lawyer Referral Services in New York play in helping people find a qualified local attorney.

This article was last updated on Friday, February 5, 2021.
