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Fairfield Country Lawyer Referral Service

If you need to find an attorney in Bridgeport, Stamford, Norwalk or Danbury, CT, then consider using the services of the Fairfield County Lawyer Referral Service.

When you call the Fairfield County Lawyer Referral Service, the trained staff member will ask you several questions during a confidential interview. Although the staff person can not give any legal advice, the person is experienced in analyzing potential legal problems to determine the practice area that is most appropriate.

For example, during the initial confidential interview you may be asked to describe the names of the parties involved (such as employers, insurance companies). You may be asked whether any other attorneys are involved in the case and the names of the attorneys. You may be asked if any time deadlines or court dates are approaching. You may also be asked about court orders or decisions made in your case and the date of those orders, if any.

Contact Information

Fairfield Country Lawyer Referral Service
Website: www.fairfieldlawyerreferral.com
(203) 335-4116

Finding an Attorneys in Fairfield County, CT

When appropriate, the trained staff person will give you a referral to a local attorney practicing in Fairfield County, CT. In some cases, a processing fee of $35 is required. The processing fee helps offset the costs of administering the non-profit program.

After the referral, an appointment will be made for you, usually within a few business days. You will be given information about the time and location of your first meeting with the attorney. In making the referral the staff is allowed to consider your location and any special language requirements.

Attorneys that participate in the program must meet standards of professional experience in a particular practice area. You are not required to hire the attorney and the attorney is not required to provide additional services after the initial consultation. Ideally, the client will be happy with the attorney's advice and may decide to retain the attorney for additional services beyond the initial consultation.

At Lawyer Legion, we understand the important role that a Lawyer Referral Service might play in helping the public find an attorney in Bridgeport, Stamford, Norwalk and Danbury, CT.  
