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Lawyer Referral Service in Bronx, NY

If you need to find an attorney in Bronx, NY, or throughout the surrounding areas of New York City, then consider the benefits of using a Lawyer Referral Service. The Lawyer Referral Service of the Bronx County Bar Association helps individuals and businesses find a local attorney throughout Bronx County, New York County, Queens County, and Westchester County.

Contact Information:

Bronx County Bar Association LRS
Website: http://www.bronxbar.com/?page=referral
851 Grand Concourse, Room 124
Bronx, NY 10451-2937
Phone: 718-293-5600

The Lawyer Referral Service is opened from Monday to Thursday from 9:30 a.m. until noon for walk-in service. The Lawyer Referral Service is closed on Friday of each week.

What Happens When You Contact the LRS in Bronx County?

When you call the Lawyer Referral Service of the Bronx County Bar Association, a trained staff person will discuss your legal concern with you. Although the staff person cannot offer any legal advice, the staff can help you determine which type of attorney might be right for your case.

When appropriate, you will be referred to a local attorney in exchange for a $40 consultation fee. After you pay the consultation fee and receive the referral, you can contact the attorney to schedule a 30 minute consultation at no additional charge.

Attorneys serve on panels for the Lawyer Referral Service based on their experience and qualifications to handle those types of cases. The attorneys are also screened in advance to make sure the attorney is an active member of the New York State Bar and the Bronx County Bar Association.

Finding an Attorney in Bronx County, NY

If you need to find an attorney in Bronx County, NY, then consider the benefits of using a Lawyer Referral Service sponsored by the Bronx County Bar Association. For generations, these community based services have helped individuals and businesses find a qualified attorney.

Article updated on Friday, April 17, 2015.
