The Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) sponsors the IllinoisLawyerFinder. The ISBA has offices in both Springfield and Chicago, Illinois. The ISBA's Lawyer Referral Service provides two different ways to find an attorney.
First, you can search the online directory for local attorneys. You can search by Field of Practice, County and/or Zip code. You can also use the directory to search by name to find more information about a particular attorney.
Second, you can call the service to receive a phone referral to an attorney who has agreed to provide a 30-minute consultation for a $25 consultation fee. During the consultation, you can talk with the attorney about your legal concerns, possible solutions, and the attorney fees needed for additional representation beyond the initial consultation.
Contact Information:
ISBA's Springfield OfficeWhen you call the Lawyer Referral Service, a referral counselor will ask you several questions to determine whether an attorney is needed. If so, the referral counselor will help you determine which type of attorney might be right for your case.
The service can take into consideration the needed practice area and the area of the state in which you need the attorney. The service can also take into consideration your need for an attorney who speaks Spanish and another foreign language. The referral attorney is selected on a rotating basis using these criteria. Everything you discuss with the service is strictly confidential.
After you are referred to the attorney, you can contact the attorney for the 30-minute consultation. When you call the attorney be sure to mention that you were referred by the IllinoisLawyerFinder phone service so that you will receive the discounted rate on the initial consultation.
Attorneys that participate in the IllinoisLawyerFinder phone service must be licensed and registered with the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Illinois Supreme Court. The attorney must carry professional liability insurance. Additionally, the attorneys serve on panels depending on the legal area or areas in which they practice.
If you need to find an attorney in the State of Illinois, then consider the benefits of using the lawyer referral service sponsored by the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA). With offices in both Springfield and Chicago, Illinois, the lawyer referral service can help you find an attorney through the online directory or the phone referral service. The attorneys in the service are carefully screened for their good standing with the bar and a host of other considerations.
At Lawyer Legion, we understand the benefits of using a Lawyer Referral Service in Illinois. These services sponsored by the state or local bar associations provide an important alternative to searching the internet for an attorney or using a commercial online attorney directory.